4-H is global network of youth organizations whose mission is
“engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development”.
Stanton Strivers, for the year of 2017-2018 currently has 26 active members. Eligible youth are those in grades 4th-12th grade. We meet monthly and are active in a variety of community service projects; such as baking pies for the local community members and caroling at the Stanton Care Center. We also plant and take care of the large flower beds located on Main Street each summer. Stanton Strivers participates in 4-5 Project Tours each year. Some of the few examples of Project Tours are Milk Unlimited in Atlantic, Iowa; Agri-Vision in Red Oak, Iowa and The Red Oak Greenhouse in Red Oak, Iowa; as well as family tours of a members farm.
Stanton Community also has the Clover Kids program where youth ages Kindergarten- 3rd grade can participate. Stanton Strivers assists with this program as well as mentors these youth during the county fair.
Joining 4-H allows a youth to meet new friends, participate in many projects, build public speaking skills, participate in youth council and work on building and achieving your goals.

Stanton Strives always welcomes new members and would be happy to have you join our club. If you would like additional information, please contact Michelle Sandin at (712) 621-1676.