You have probably seen the spire high above town. Maybe you wondered, “What kind of church is that?” Mamrelund Lutheran Church has been a landmark for nearly 150 years, but Mamrelund is more than a landmark.
We are a community of Christians living our faith, seeking to lift up the cross of Christ in our lives, as our church building lifts the cross above the skyline.
The Oaks of Mamre
Mamrelund began as a church to welcome newcomers. In 1870 Rev. Bengt Magnus Halland led Swedish immigrants to southwest Iowa to establish a community where newcomers could enjoy the freedoms of their new homeland and practice the traditions of their faith.
The settlers crossing the open prairie arrived where Tarkio Creek provided water and trees were growing. They remembered Abraham who settled at the Oaks of Mamre and built an altar. In Swedish that place was called “Mamrelund”, the Oaks of Mamre.
Worship and Music
Mamrelund has a strong worship and music tradition. Sunday worship is blended style building on Lutheran traditions and exploring contemporary styles as well. Audio and video technology enhances worship making it accessible to long time members and newcomers alike. Mamrelund is Handicap Accessible!
Worship is celebrated every Sunday at 10:30 AM (9:30 AM June, July & August )
Holy Communion is celebrated on 1st and 2nd Sunday plus days like Easter & Christmas. Our communion table is open to all who trust that Christ is present for us in the Sacrament.
Instrumental music is anchored by an organ. Vocal music includes Mamrelund Choir for adult singers, Sunday School singers, small groups and soloists who use their talents to bring God’s Word through music.
Education and Learning
Mamrelund takes seriously the call to teach the faith. Learning is available to a wide range of ages and interests. We provide Sunday School for children, Confirmation Instruction for Junior High Students, Women’s Bible Study the first Thursday of the month, and share Summer Vacation Bible School.
Good Shepherd Preschool
In the late 1980s a community survey identified early childhood education as a need. Some people at Mamrelund explored starting a preschool and In 1991 Good Shepherd Christian Preschool welcomed students.
In 2009 the state required communities to provide preschool education. At a joint meeting the Stanton School Board and the Mamrelund Congregation Council agreed to a unique cooperation in early childhood education. The Good Shepherd Preschool would teach state approved curriculum and also provide Christian education.
When the new Viking center was planned a preschool room was included. After many years meeting in the church basement the preschool moved into their new location at the Viking Center. Good Shepherd Christian Preschool provides intellectual, social, physical and spiritual development for the children of the Stanton community and beyond.
Mission and Ministry
Various groups meet for ministry and fellowship together. Youth Ministry is an important part of Mamrelund Church and events are held regularly. In cooperation with other community partners Mamrelund hosts a youth gathering time after home sports events called “5th Quarter”. It is a time for fellowship, food and fun with friends. For older residents Mamrelund provides a closed circuit video connection to the Care Center and provides a Holy Communion service there the first Sunday of each month.
The Women of The ELCA meets monthly to make quilts and share Bible study. Scout Troop 76 and Pack 76 have been chartered by Mamrelund for over 50 years. Mamrelund operates the Food Bank ministry in Stanton supporting needs in the area.
Pastor Inbarasu has served Mamrelund Church since 1987. Pastor Inba would be happy to welcome you in person and answer any questions you might have. All are welcome to visit worship. Maybe you would like to take a tour of the facility. You may contact Pastor Inba at the church office at (712) 829-2422 or by email at
The Church Building
The home of the Mamrelund congregation is a neo-gothic church on the hill which Pastor Halland chose in 1870. This is the third building the congregation has called home. The first was outgrown in the early days. The second building was destroyed by fire in 1938. The present building was completed in 1941.
The spire is 165’ high, topped by a 12’ cross. A 2000 lb. bell in the tower calls worshippers on Sunday morning, while a carillon plays music daily at noon and 6pm. The structure is built of Bedford Limestone from Indiana and seats 500 people. The congregation also has a parsonage and two cemeteries.
Everyone Welcome!
Mamrelund was founded 150 years ago to welcome newcomers. First the new immigrants from Sweden who built the town around the church and later for all those seeking to be part of our unique Stanton community.
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Come visit on a Sunday!
We are glad you are here!
Mamrelund Lutheran Church
- 410 Eastern Ave
- Stanton, IA 51573
(712) 829-2422